Arnold Spencer Smith Remembrance 2024

Kia Ora all, Saturday March 9th 2024 marks the 108th anniversary of the death of Rev. Arnold Spencer-Smith Antarctic explorer, Padre and Photographer to the Ross Sea Party of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Coming up this week on Saturday the 9th of March at 5:00 PM we have a special mass using Spencer-Smith’s original chalice and paten, during this we will be blessing the new memorial window. After this we will have a reception over at the hall where Dr David Harrowfield will be giving the 6th annual Spencer Smith lecture, this year the theme will be ‘An Enduring Legacy’. All are welcome to attend either the service or the reception, we encourage you to come to both if you are able.


  1. Reply
    Wendy says:

    So fascinated to come across this as part of the research in to my family’s history. Arnold Spencer-Smith was my grandmother’s cousin. Was he the Reverend at your church before embarking on his fatal trip to the Antarctic? Is that beautiful church window in the picture dedicated to him?

  2. Reply
    Andrew Taylor says:

    Hello, today is the 109th anniversary of Arnold Spencer-Smith ‘s passing away on 9th March 1916 during Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctica expedition

    I happened to be reading the story only yesterday about this polar explorer, and I found it very moving about his bravery in his fight against the physical worn out and the scurvy effect in his last trek to the safety of Hut Point, only twenty miles away

    I would indeed be happy to endorse your suggestion that a piece of stained church window be installed to remember the church’s lost son, Arnold Patrick Spencer-Smith

    I really think this idea is very appropriate way to remember him the best as one of greatest polar explorers. He was the first to die in Sir Ernest ‘s expedition team

    I am not related to Spencer-Smith family,, but I do have a loving tribute at Hilton church near Huntington to Dr Edward Wilson, who was perished with Captain Robert falcon Scott at South Pole in c 26 March 1912. Richard Garnett, a local resident in Hilton and a family relative on my mother’s side , wrote a permeant tribute completed with the very poignant photograph of Edward Wilson and his expedition

    A simple inscription on a church stained window is really a great inspiration; it would stay forever

    Andrew Taylor

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