Who are we?

Welcome to All Saints’ Anglican Church. We are a vibrant Anglo-Catholic faith community based in North Dunedin. We would love to meet you, and welcome you no matter where you are on your faith journey.  If you would like to explore faith, come back to church, join a study group or if you would like to be baptised, confirmed or married here please contact the vicar.

Youth ministry

Children are an important part of our parish. Sunday School operates all year round. Additionally once a month there is also a Family Mass in which children help lead the service.

Students from the nearby university and polytech bring lots of youthful energy and we are strongly affiliated with SCM (Student Christian Movement), who are the inclusive, ecumenical Christian group on the Otago campus. Since 1893 All Saints has been the chapel of Selwyn College Te Maru Pūmanawa, the Anglican college at the University of Otago. We cherish our connections with the College.

Our people

Our congregation is built on a strong foundation of regular mature parishioners who bring a wealth of experience and wisdom, linked to our roots in the life of the local community which go back over 156 years.

Social service

We run a Fruit & Veges scheme which everyone is welcome to join, bags can be pre-ordered or produce bought in the front hall on Thursdays. The parish is currently working on building five flats for social housing in Northumberland St, North East Valley where St. Martin’s Hall stood.

Final word

Here at All Saints we try to be an inclusive and loving community, walking in the way of Jesus. We welcome and affirm people of every ethnicity, gender, orientation, ability, and background. We invite you will join us in our shared mission to build up the body of Christ in the Parish of Dunedin North through service, worship, fellowship and witness. Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai.

COVID precautions

The traffic light system has been removed.

Masks are optional but encouraged.

Please continue to wash your hands

Recorded liturgies will remain available on our Youtube channel.

May God bless you and your loved ones.

Upcoming Events

Latest News

  • Hoani Parata Lecture

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  • Eggs for Sale

    Kia ora everyone, We have 15 cartons of 12 Dozen Eggs for sale. $8.50 per Carton. Purchase via Eftpos at All Saints admin office. Monday.Tuesday...

  • Puaka Matariki 2024

    Kia Ora Tatou, in addition to our regular Sunday services we will be having some special Matariki services. These will be candlelit contemplative services each...